Dear Partners,
It is my pleasure to introduce FOCUS to you. A thought-letter aimed at supporting the advancement of solar energy sector in India.
In terms of economics and business, I think we are living in the best times in India. A land full of opportunities and a story backed by sound statistics and hope in almost every domain.
However, hope comes with a rider of thought and responsibility. The responsibility of shaping future in such a manner where opportunities are multiplied to the benefit of stakeholders involved (including the society’s), in an optimum manner.
So, when we talk about solar energy domain, the question is whose responsibility is it?
The answer that I have is - everyone who is affected by the manufacturing or the consumption of solar energy. At least the ones who are directly affected by development of the domain.
The renewable energy domain, including the solar energy, requires efforts from all irrespective of the size. We all need to put our thoughts together so that various people / stakeholders responsible to take the domain forward get the best and enough inputs to squeeze out the most relevant once. That is why I address you as a partner and call this platform a thought-letter.
The thought-letter – FOCUS – is a small step to support the thoughts above. It is NOT a Newsletter or a news aggregator platform.
The raison-d-etre of FOCUS is to propel thoughts that will shape this industry. The name has been derived from the lesson learnt in class 4 – if the Sun’s rays are focused at one place, tremendous energy is generated. That is the energy we intend to harness, isn’t it?
The thought-letter consists of three sections – ‘The Industry Specs’, ‘The Lens’ and ‘Cross Connect’.
‘The Industry Specs’ is the name given to the guest column. ‘Specs’ is a noun and also means guidance. In our view, solar industry needs to keep its customers or potential customers very close to its ears. This is because a common understanding and connection with the industrial world at large is yet to be formed. Thus, their guidance in chalking out technologies that are relevant to them is highly important.
‘The Lens’ is another column by which Clique Solar would like contribute to the industry - putting relevant issues to debate.
The last column is called ‘Cross Connect’. This will park some interesting facts, figures, ideas in the renewable energy domain. The idea is not to limit our thought to solar industry and remember that we are part of a larger domain. Who knows, we might cross connect an idea to use it in our domain.
Markus Elsässer, Chief Executive Officer, Solar Promotion International GmbH, is the guest contributor for our inaugural edition. Solar Promotion International GmbH is the force behind the world renowned event in the solar energy segment – Intersolar. He gives his views on what will help India in putting solar energy domain on a growth trajectory.
Thank you so much Markus. We will need help from many more people like you to help us deliver the thought-letter over time.
With these words I present FOCUS to you - a short and focussed thought-letter. Look forward to hearing from you on this edition. You can write to us at
Happy reading!
Dr. Shirish B Kedare
Adjunct Professor - IIT B and Director-Clique Solar